Ambulant Arts

26 | He/Him | INFP

Hi my name is Ambulant, Amby for short. I am an artist and aspiring game designer from Florida, USA! I am most active on twitter but you can contact me at any of the links below.


A mouse born from dreams and ideals. He ventures through abstract worlds, interacting with the creatures that inhabit and them making friends along the way.

Feren Kern

Feren is a girl with strange transformative powers granted to her through an ancient magical bloodline. In her journey to understand her potential and what to do with it she forms friendships with many strange and mystical beings while uncovering the darker implications of her families history.

Magnus Ursidae (Ursa)

Ursa's Story Begins after overcoming a deathly illness that couldnt be cured by even the most talented of mystical healers. With a new lease on life he travels at Feren's side determined to protect her and grow to become the son his family always wished him to be.


Fopple is a young tree spirit with boundless enthusiam for the world and all it's natural beauty. After the eradication of his home due to warring magical forces fopple join's Feren and Ursa to guide them through the wilderness and find the cause of his home's destruction.